xdating in Section I. 6. on page 18(!!!) of it’s 22(!!!) page TOS openly says they will attempt to con you out of your money, supposedly for your entertainment despite the fact that the only reason members are there are not for entertainment but to meet someone real.
“6. In order to enhance your amusement experience, to stimulate you and others to use our Services more extensively,
As i hve read from these other inquiries, I was also approached by many replys on this website, as many as 3 a day when I was non-member, the day i decided to ay for it, they all stoppped. I have sent replies to other ads and still I havent received any. Does anyone know how I can get money back? They are full of scammers and it sucks that they prey even on those still want to find someone decent.
By: jgoya
When you post on xdating.com for free you get lots of inquiries from supposed suitors. Then you pay to join and write back to them not one out of the 7 replied. I belong to another site and if someone writes they are interested and you reply only 1 in 12 will not get back to you.
I was solicited by email to check xdating out and the mail I received from the supposed members appeared to be sincere maybe too much so.
These are paid writers for sure.
By: westbret
I made a profile on xdating.com thinking that this would be a good way to meet girls and find someone. When I first started on the site I got a bunch of messages from girls that where very attractive to me, so I paid for the premium membership. Now all of a sudden the messages stopped and I am not able to get in touch with the “girls” that sent me the messages before.
I joined xdating.com just to check it out. I got a bunch of messages from girls looking for dates and wanting me to write them and send my picture. I payed the money and joined the site so I was able to do that. As soon as I paid, there were no more communications.