African Mango Metaburn – This is a fraud

ordered the free trial and waited for it to arrive…..waited almost 20 days and the day after it arrived I was billed for the next month. The advertisment said that I would have thirty days to trial it upon receiving it before I would be billed. I tried calling the company on all of the Australian numbers listed for 24/7 support but surprise surprise, none are in service. So I called the number listed in the USA….also disconnected. I had to search to find an email contact because the contact email links on the websites were all broken or no longer locatable. Finally found an email that didn’t bounce back and stated in very clear terms how suspect their practices were especially in light of their lack of adherence to claims made in their advertising with billing and dodgy contact info. I was very surprised to actually get a response and a promise of a refund which was in fact fulfilled including the international conversion and billing fees. I have not tried the product as yet but if you want it, I recommend you make sure you can contact this company before you buy so any dispute resolution can be made in the future.

Submitted by: Kez

7 Responses to “African Mango Metaburn – This is a fraud”

  1. Jill says:

    I am having the same problem. Would you give the email
    address please?

  2. KC says:

    Hi there i also ordered this product after 10 or so days of not receiving it i contacted them via email and said that it was taking too long and i wasnt even going to have been able to trial the product before it was received, i got an email back within 1-2 business days stating that they had extended my trial period to allow for it to arrive by another 20 days… when it got to within 5 days i thought no this is wrong i want to cancel it im not paying for it when it hasnt come, i tried phoning the company on the numbers listed and like above they werent operating, I thought it was strange that they would bother emailing me back if there were dodgy.. then i realised the number i was dialing had too many digits, so i took out the obvious one i think an 8 was doubled at the beginning im in south australia and that didnt look right to me, it rang i was answered by an american who looked up my details after i explained i was concerened that it hadnt come and i wanted to cancel he told me of the overwhelming response to the product causing long delays and apologised said they would refund the trial offer amount and no further deductions to my visa, which they did and he said that my as my order had already been dispatched that if i should recieve it i should consider it complimentry from the company, however this was novemberish last year, just yesterday i received my package of 60 african mango and 60 meta burn tablets… im attempting them next week on a new diet hope this gives some hope to anyone waiting, but i dont think that its a scam 🙂 kind regards kaycee

    • Lukas says:

      Hi Kaycee,

      I am trying my darnest to get a hold of the company, as I am continually being charged for the product and not receiving it, if you could help me out that would be fantastic, I am in NSW and every number I have tried is not working.

      Cheers Luke

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