I recently purchased Mcafee anti-virus and was told that I need to call a 800 in order to activate my service. When I called the number I was connected to someone that works for Iyogi. I was pressured into letting the person on the other end on the line to take control of my computer to search for malware. This was because Mcafee would not install properly if I had any malicious programs on there.
Well of course he found something on my computer and then pressured me into paying for a service that would save me. Unfortunately I submitted to it and paid $180 for some scan and tech support. Finally McAfee was installed on my computer. Now my computer still runs like shit and I have since had to replace it.
It is sad to see that McAfee sent me to these scammers that were able to get my money.
Submitted by: MarkJ
I was recently sent to this company as well. Iyogi is just trying to hard sell you something that you don’t need. If you ever find yourself on the phone with them, just say no no no.