I received a phone call from Wentworth Direct Finance to and the asked to talk to me about getting a loan getting a loan. They really did not seem all that shady to me, but I guess that is how you want to sound if you are going to scam people. Well after some initial questions about the loan and what it would cost, I decided to just ask them to send me some info in the mail, so I could go through it a later date. Then I did a really stupid thing, but they sounded legit, so when the asked me for my account info to verify that I had a UK account I gave them the info. A day or two later, I looked at my bank statement and they had taken money out already. I never said that I wanted to go forward with any kind of business. I just wanted information. Now, I am having trouble getting in touch with anyone to complain about what happened. If I do get someone to pick up the phone, they hang up on me as soon as I start to complain. Getting this resolved is proving to be a real problem. Do not give any of your information to Wentworth Direct Finance.
Submitted by: Brad