GTS Power Money – Charged my account for no reason

I have no idea who these guys are but GTS Power Money took cash from my account. I have never done business with them nor have I even visited their website. I don’t know how they got my information, but how can someone just take money from your account?

I tried to call the company and figure out what was going on, but they would not help me at all. This is nonsense and they need to be stopped. I wish that I knew what they knew and I would just go to their account and start taking money.

Submitted by: Jon

One Response to “GTS Power Money – Charged my account for no reason”

  1. craz michelle says:

    they are a company of fraudsters who STEAL money from you without actually asking your permission in a similar vein to yes loans. they are not endorsed by any of our financial regulatory bodies. They sould only take money from you if they actually provide you a loan and not before. We must boycott these disgusting excuses of human beings who thieve from poor and vunerable people for there own gains. when i phoned the women on the phone didnt even know that financial companies are regulated at all which tells you all you need to know about the leeches at power money. in short a bunch of cӣts!

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