Justhookup.com – Fake

Looks like another one of these “dating” sites is just a big scam. I signed up for justhookup.com and paid the membership fee and to my surprise, I had a bunch of emails from girls right away. When I started to look at them I started to notice a trend. All of the messages were really short and I never got a reply from any of them.

It finally hit me after about a week. This site was just trying to keep me paying the membership fee and even sent me emails about upgrading my membership. I would say that every message that I got was from a fake person that the website owner just made up. Live and learn I guess. Never sign up for justhookup.com. You will be disappointed.

Submitted by: Drew

56 Responses to “Justhookup.com – Fake”

  1. Rob says:

    I sind up to justhook up and payed for a year and got e-mails some long but most of them short so if you think you can meet someone on these sites your as nuts as I’m .Its all fake so don’t do it

    • Derty says:

      If you notice a trend… Only guys are complaining.there is not one girl claiming that there is a fake website…The girls do not exist..drop the site

  2. Glen says:

    I am on the same site and I see that, that is true I get replies that are very short and nothing else follows through. I think this is a scam I will find out.

  3. Dennis says:

    I noticed that myself. I live in a small town, same town since 1979. They started sending all these goodlooking naked girls from my town. We are a typical small town, everyone knows everyone. I don’t know these ladies they said emailed me. Seems awful scamish to me!

  4. Whatever says:

    Are you guys serious? Of course it’s a scam! A simple Google search of it before hand would reveal it to not be a reputable dating website, like hotornot, or pof. I would sweep your pc’s for malware too, you know you got there in the first place cause of those emails from CL….

  5. steve says:

    First of all major scam owners are from chekk republic and Russians. Second all the girls that have a photo of themselves in a bathroom in front of a mirror are all using the same camera ..in this day and age girls use there cell phones to take pics and there poor use of grammer I’ve never heard an American use the word lads (how are you lads doing)what a joke. Higher some Americans to write for you. Ya tards!!!

  6. Swoop says:

    Ever time i get a session started on face book these bimbos try to direct u to one of thesefake ass sites.

  7. andrew says:

    I too tricked here feel silly now. Being British language did not seem so unusual to me and actua/lot made it belielable. First came suspicious when I noticed all girls came small villages and few from.big cities. I investigated and setup a. Second account with a different address. I then searched for the girls that had mailed me. In the other account I found them but had a compleyley different location. I found 1 who was probably genuine .

  8. john says:

    As we speak im trying too delete my account and they keep offering me a cheaper price, 29 dollars first then 14 dollars for lifetime membership, then all the way down too 9 dollars. i never payed anything, thank god SCAM if i ever saw one…Always google first check them out first…

  9. terry says:

    i am reading the wall and i see all of you have a same problem im having i have never seen half of the ppl on here i ask them for facebook to check it out a little more and there are no replies evcer they got me but never agian

  10. yougotscammed says:

    but this site gives me a lot of costumer on my room with my cam, and from that i can continue my studies till i graduate, so even they scammed u im thankful for this site it pays my school bills….

  11. Mitch says:

    @yougotscammed You are just another annoying scammer IMHO! I’m married,I get bored,I go on sites ..mainly for a laugh..if you can’t afford it don’t do it I say but certainly don’t think you are just going to meet loads of real girls and get your way with them…if you can’t do it by meeting in real life why do you think you can do it on the net!? As for the so called reputable sites most of those are partly scams and the women that are real on them are either not serious about meeting or not worth meeting…very few are what they say they are and are up for actual meets! 😉 I’ve been on quite a lot of sites and a lot of the time I know the score and just play along and have my own laugh! I have also met or chatted with quite a few genuine ladies(loose term) off site…one or two were quite long relationships (if you can call them that!)with secret meets and drinks etc! Justhookup is more of a scam than anything else but I thought that anyway however I was tricked into paying more than I thought I was but there you go! It does have good xxx feeds and does seem to be changed as it goes along and I have noticed a few seemingly more genuine profiles appearing but I won’t stay passed the time I’m signed up for…I will be way too bored by then! ;))

  12. Ty says:

    I guess i’m the latest fool to join this websight, as soon as I paid for my lifetime membership, all those good looking females stopped sending me there pictures saying that they really wanted me and just hook up kept asking me for more money to really get me noticed when in fact I got noticed plenty before I paid my membership money. I’ll never send another dime, I’ll cut my losses off right now and chalk up another unplesant experience in my life that I paid for, by the way i never even met one female or even talked to one Ty Jon

  13. marc says:

    it is a scam same thing happens to me somebody should report them

  14. gilles says:

    me to,l,m a fool for getting suck into this one,notice some of the pictures are really porn stars like terry nova from latchford on,comeon give me a break.spoke up, now l can’t get in and log on!

  15. buck says:

    That sucks ass and big monkey balls how these nerdy little ugly pricks scam money indirectly. That’s the exact reason why I picked on them in my teens and in high school. I knew that they would turn on that fucking weirdo meter and come up with sites that only a lonely ass nerdy prick would come with. They probably are the four eyed mid 30’s greasy jerk offs that still can’t clean up for themselves and wear the same clothes for days. Fucking losers!

  16. kevin says:

    I had the justhookup site make 2 seperate unauthorized charges to my credit card. The first I was able to convince them to give a refund, the second they refused and I had to file a claim dispute to get back the $51.45 they stole from me. Not only is the site a scam but they are committing fraud at the same time.

  17. Tim says:

    Hi I joined justhookup and got the same as most of you ! I’m from the uk and if you look closely at some of the pics they have us plugs and switches my advice is stay well clear as it is completly fake this site should be shut down !!’

  18. BoSs says:

    wassup yalll i joined this stupid site like u did .. never paid any money … but the prooof of the scam i snaped shop my facebook account and put it as a pic … so they can add me …. never they did even if they kept sending those message i couldnt read and like my pictures …. too good to be tru ma mannss … go in the clubs pop a bottle ull see how ladys get atracted when they see money flashing

  19. scammedtoo says:

    The same as the site mentioned here, gohookup.com is a complete and utter waste of time and money, numerous emails with exactly the same verbiage, I first thought it was legit because I found no reviews or negative commentary regarding the site, but to my dismay, it is a GIANT STINKING TERD!

  20. feelfooled says:

    just today i signed !!!!! my c c failed thank god. hope i can still get out of this ? any advice anyone ???feel like a dickhead after reading your stories

  21. Claude says:

    The point is, that they try to get you to believe that these women are really looking for action when all they will do is redirect you to the webcam department of the same site in order to get your money. It’s a webcam site with a front window. I had one young woman begging me to join but I’ve been through this once and never again.

  22. Claude says:

    I just deleted my account and sure enough they keep offering you a membership for less and less until they get to 9,97$ one time cost instead of 17$ for a single month with their 50% discount. What a joke. Would they do this if their site was serious. Anything to get a nickel out of you. That’s what lust does to your brain 🙂

  23. david graham says:

    Well, I have an account at justhookup and I have a girlfriend.

  24. Tim says:

    The website is a complete scam. A few women messages me and ask to chat on yahoo messenger, We talked then she asked if i could join her web cam site and vote for her. I already saw what was coming so i played along, Happens i allready belonged to that one so she asked if i could join on her “backup link” While she was replying i was looking on justhookup and found the same girl i was talking to but with a different profile. So after looking at the link she says just register and pick the cheapest payment… Then i called her out on both the profiles and reported her account and flipped out on justhookup, Still awaiting there reply back…

    Dont feed into it this sites a scam for cam girls to get extra money.

  25. J says:

    Completely agree! I signed up and soon realised it was a scam. None of the girls speak decent English and what they’re saying doesn’t stack up…one girl ‘born and bred in Anfield said she loved ‘soccer’!! Haha!, another said she was from Vincent Square (London), I asked if it was near Albert Square and she didn’t have a clue what I was on about! My bank called me yesterday to say it looked like fraud….cancelled. I’d advise anyone to ask their bank to change their account number ASAP. These people have far too much info on you.

  26. Moe says:

    I agree this is fucking bullshit .. I got a bunch of emails and then once I actually put up my photo and paid to get on all the emails disaperred and I’m trying to get my money back as we speak .

    • Gerry says:

      hi Moe, I got taken by them too. This is a foreign situation to me, what are you doing to get your money back? I;m not sure where to start….

      • john says:

        it is forigen its tied in with a site called oncamforyou the girls that are not doing the webcam shows and are waiting for a customer go to gohookup and troll for customers

  27. Kev says:

    SCAM how do they get away with this stay away pissed
    By accepting these Terms you further acknowledge and agree that any information or pictures displayed to you via a VC’s profile does not relate to an actual person but has been provided for the above mentioned purposes. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that any involvement or communication with our VC shall be monitored to administrate conformity to these Terms. We also reserve the right to utilize VCs within the Website’s services at present and in the future.

  28. Chris says:

    Just a big scam the only thing you pay for is to look at naked women taking the piss at you and people still pay for this hopeing they will get laid only you just get fucked into parting with your money were all suckers non of these web sites are genuine all scam sites and there all getting richer at our expence

  29. ducky says:

    just bein a little curious here i also got scammed and justhookup said they would totally refund me as i didnt like the site but never got refunded has anyone here been refunded?

  30. johnny says:

    i just got on that site today and could tell they were fake within ten minutes i had almost 20 girls like me and mssage me after that i tried reading the messages and they tried to make me pay just to read them after the girl that got me to sign up told me it was for free man that site is bullshit

  31. Dave says:

    I do not know if all of the girls on the site are fake yet the majority are. Read the terms of service the phoney profiles are called “Virtual Cupids” supposed to be there for entertainment and monitoring purposes. In reality they just make the number of users appear to be larger than actually exists. If you look at a profile there is a box with 2 or 3 symbols on the same line as their screen name, age and location. The far right has a box with 2 or 3 symbols. If it contains a circle with a V in it the profile is a phoney, Terms also says if you email support they will turn the virtual cupids off. I did so and was told to block those profiles. A violation of their own terms of agreement. It also tells you that your profile may be found on other websites that the company owns. Most likely just the pictures for Virtual Cupids in other locations. Have had emails only from their support staff and virtual cupid profiles. Have not received even one return email from one of the non-virtual cupid users or live sex show ladies trolling for customers. I would be amazed if it was not a complete hoax.

  32. Jim says:

    I get the same feeling from all these types of sites – rip offs. I paid for 3 mo. membership, emailed back and forth interminably, zero real action, frustrated, and let my subscription lapse. Maybe match.com is for real, but it looks rip-offish too and so I haven’t paid my membership yet. OKCupid is free (hard to be a ripoff if it’s free), has good questions, matching tools, etc., but no real action.

    Where’s a guy supposed to go???????

    Do those “seduce any girl you want” things work? Haven’t put my money down for those either. Will spend $$$ on something that works.

  33. RexYi says:

    so….anyone know how to cancel account?
    justhookup automatic charge money every month from my bank , but I do not know how to do….

  34. Karma says:


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